Final reflections

 I think the technological resources class, was useful because I was asked to do a lot of things that can be helpful in my classes and that is how learn, even though I already know some of the tools we used, I discover new things and find new uses of the ones I've already known. I like that the class was like a workshop because I can practice and ask about my mistakes. Our teacher was always willing to solve our doubts and that was nice because I always have doubts.

Remembering the lesson, I would say that the first assignment about doing tutorials, was challenging, I have never done it before, so I lose the fear and now I can do it easily. 

I remember also when we get the assignment about reading, but I have to say I could never really use it outside the homework.

Another tool that was helpful, was the video from PowerPoint, I didn't know that tool exists so it´s a great discovery.

About google scholar, I have to say that  I knew about it, but I barely use it, but now I understand better how it works and how I can make citations, and about this for me was revealing using APA style, even if I don´t know all the rules, using some of them was satisfying, because before I've thought that rules only apply for citations. Doing a table of contents was also useful, even if I knew about this tool, know I learn how to use it correctly.


  1. Rosy i really like your blog, as always very carefull in the homewroks and you always take care abour all details, excellent job


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